
Ah, the elusive branding element. An important and often overlooked part of your strategy, that can set you apart from your competitors and build loyalty with your customers. Do you want to be subtle with your brand, or in your face? Whatever you decide - consistency in your brand is key. We will brainstorm and target ideas that will set you apart and keep you on brand and in the forefront of your customer’s minds.


We work best with a deadline. We think you will too. But who will keep the process moving forward? B&B, that’s who! You have enough to worry about, including staffing, purchasing, payroll, etc. Give us your complicated marketing projects and we’ll keep them rolling along without having to bug us for status updates. We’ll keep you updated on all developments and will be completely transparent about what we need to make this partnership a success.


Brick and Balloon’s team has a combined 40 years of graphic design experience, yet we still get carded at the bars. How is that possible? Well, good design keeps you young. In fact, Adam’s first graphic design project entailed scanning in his report card in 6th grade and making “edits.” Sorry, Mom. Angie’s first project was a little tamer, which included using Microsoft Paint to recreate Disney characters. She’s a bit more of a rule follower than Adam…sometimes.


Drip campaigns. Open rates. Clicks. Spam. We’ve got big plans for your customers, and one of the most turnkey ways to reach them is through email marketing. Build your database, engage new customers, and above all, don’t bother them over and over with useless crap.


Did you know that every time someone opens their Facebook/Instagram/insert hot social media platform here page, or even thinks about opening it, their brain gets a little boost of #dopamine? Just thinking about what they might see or the updates that are waiting for them gives them a boost. Your brain is literally getting #addicted to social media. Well, in the marketing world, that’s a good thing. You want your customers to be a little hooked on your message and your products. The first one’s free, right? (That was a joke. We are not a non-profit, but we do support some really great ones! Click here to learn more.)


We work best with a deadline. We think you will too. But who will keep the process moving forward? B&B, that’s who! You have enough to worry about, including staffing, purchasing, payroll, etc. Give us your complicated marketing projects and we’ll keep them rolling along without having to bug us for status updates. We’ll keep you updated on all developments and will be completely transparent about what we need to make this partnership a success.


There’s a reason that video content is king (or queen): it engages the customer and adds an air of authenticity. Keep the video short and sweet and then your customers might just end up sharing it - are you prepared to go viral? Brick and Balloon have produced professional videos from concept stage to final product, including editing, set design, copywriting, animations and more. If you have a complicated product or concept that needs to be simplified for your customers, then let’s talk about animated “explainer” videos. Click here for some examples. 


We are word-nerds. We love puns. Playing with words and structure and punctuation and jokes and language and … oh boy, you have got us going. Angie has a journalism background, and it’s her part-time hobby to find spelling errors in websites and signage. She really can’t help it. We are here to craft your messaging in all forms of communication: newsletters, eblasts, websites, signage, advertising copy… you name it, we write it. We’ve even written a few online dating profiles. Not our finest work, but hey, we’ll do pretty much anything for our friends.

“These guys fucking rock! Straight up. 'Nuff said. Later, Skater.”